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What is an Indigenous Protected Area

Indigenous Protected Areas allow Traditional Owner to lead the management of biodiversity and cultural conservation of their Land and Sea Country.   IPA's allow for Traditional Owners to set the tone for how their land and sea is managed in accordance with their preferred conservation philosophies whilst ensuring management is undertaken in a culturally appropriate way. 

Indigenous Protected Areas across Australia, make up over 40% of Australia’s  National Reserve System,  a nation-wide network of reserves especially set up to protect examples of Australia’s  unique landscapes, flora and fauna for current and future generations.

 IPAs in the Torres Strait 

In the Torres Strait there are three Indigenous Protected Areas, where Traditional Owners manage their cultural and natural values with support from Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers employed by the Torres Strait Regional Authority.  These IPAs are;

  • Pulu Islet (on the western side of Mabuiag)
  • Ugul Malu Kawal (Warul Kawa, Awaial Kawa and Turu Cay)
  • Warraberalgal/ Porumalgal IPA