Indigenous Ranger Program

Rangers undertake marine debris removal on Pulu
Pulu Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) is managed between Traditional Owners and the Goelmulgaw Kod, the Pulu IPA Committee. The Mabuygiw Land and Sea rangers undertake work on Pulu under the guidance of the IPA committee. Rangers, together with Traditional owners make regular visits to the islet of Pulu and surrounding Islets where they undertake activities to manage and protect their island. These activities are aimed at;
- managing visitors to the island
- preserving and protecting cultural sites
- reduce weeds and pests, and
- removing marine debris
The Mabuygiw Land and Sea Rangers raise awareness of the IPA, its management successes and challenges via regular reports and presentations to local communities, Regional Native Title Body Corporate’s (RNTBC’s), stakeholders and local schools.